Artist in Residency program which involved 12 hours with a certified drawing ilustration artist working with a classroom teacher to teach illustration for children’s books written by students.
Marquette Alternative High School All Day Art Daysl

Liberty Children’s Art Project (LCAP) in partnership with the Marquette Alternative High School in Marquette, MI held our two day series of two ’All Day Art Days’ art enrichment program at their school in the fall of 2019.
LCAP had two artists and an assistant conducting four sessions throughout the school day in which all students at the school could elect to participate. Although LCAP teachers emphasized art production these sessions also included art aesthetics (art of different cultures) art criticism (looking closely at works of art) and art history (learning about important artists.) All children in the school participated using a wide variety of contemporary media and methods.
Two hour Lessons taught in these “All Day Art Day” sessions included:
Drawing and Designing with Celtic Knots
Printmaking methods on Tiles
Observing the Eye: Subtracting and Addition Methods in Drawing with Chalk Past
Graphic Design: Graffiti Style Large Name Design
Zentangles: Details in Black and White Design
Art Room Clay Face Mugs Design
Charcoal Realism Draw: Lips and Mouth
Personal Mandalas: Design in the Round
Kandinsky: Large Scale Abstract Painting
Linocut Printmaking for Fabric Design
Ink and Watercolor Landscape Abstraction
Marquette Alternative High School is located in Marquette, MI with a mission that emphasis nontraditional education for students whose needs cannot be met in a regular, special education, or vocational school. At this time this school has no art program in their curriculum. This program was made possible by MCACA/NEA